Flirt to Convert

You have probably heard of the phrase, “flirt to convert” before. It is huge in my area of Florida: Keywest High School. If you have not heard of it, this phrase refers to an act of flirting in order to “convince” an unsaved person to attend church and then convert...

Our Time is Now!

This past fall, PF Youth Alive has been privileged to work with some creative and inspiring young leaders. One of those young leaders was Taylor Sponaugle.   Though she started off high school full of determination, Taylor was soon caught up with negative friends and...

Counter Culture Movement: Dispelling Disbelief

Finding a teenager passionate about something besides their next Netflix binge or the reemergence of Pumpkin Spice everything is not the easiest quest on campus. The overwhelming nature of disillusionment, doubt, and general disbelief floods most of personal...


“Whose idea was this?” we asked ourselves half way up the mountain range. Surrounded by nothing but desert, dirt, and hot sunrays beaming down on us, we began to question whether the hike to the Hollywood sign was really worth it. After putting one foot in front of...

Never Give up – Student Testimony

Life will throw you some curve balls, but that doesn’t mean you should quit! Check out Heather’s story: Growing up was rough; everywhere I turned there was opposition. My father was angry at all times and my mother scared. I spent years confused about life. Even after...